Find Your Self in the Peaceful Resonance of Silence and Space

The beauty and potential of your life resides inside the space. In the stillness you’ll find your starting place.

Tania Miller
5 min readAug 10, 2021
Photo by author of Sproat Lake, BC, Canada

When you stare out at an ocean, or from atop a peak looking out over a mountain range, your spirit might fill with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude, awe, wonder, sadness or whatever emotion moves you inside of that moment. We look at the majesty of the mountain or follow the rhythm and power of the sea and marvel at the feeling we have, and wonder about why it moves us so.

We might not be aware of the frame that the mountain range has formed with the grass and the air, sun and clouds — around a precious space that we’re inside in that moment and that it’s this space that we feel most vividly. We might watch the mesmerizing motion of an ocean, but not pay attention to the shimmering air that glistens around and above it — that the ocean is this powerful motion-filled foundation for swirling, invisible energy and sound, and that it’s holding up the stillness of the sky so that we can be suspended inside the mist and the smells of the hidden world beneath the water’s surface.

We often miss noticing the feeling of being inside a space because we let our vision and actions dominate our awareness. We…



Tania Miller

Exploring the potential of our mind and how perception, awareness and the arts impact human experience. Orchestra conductor, performer, writer.